Tips For Getting A Tattoo You Will Cherish

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, you have likely heard the frequent refrain of "you're going to regret it." The fact of the matter is that there are many people who have tattoos that have gotten older and have not regretted it at all. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself before you get a tattoo to ensure that you get the most value for your money and get a tattoo that you will cherish forever.

1. Does you field of work allow visible tattoos?

The first thing that you should ask yourself is the practical question of whether or not your tattoo will make it difficult for you to get employed. Most offices are much more accepting of people with tattoos as millennials enter the workforce, but there are still some industries where it is heavily frowned upon. If you are planning a cool finger tattoo and you work in one of those industries, you might want to change the location of your tattoo.

2. Are you getting a tattoo on a part of your body that won't sag too much?

Another question that you should be asking yourself is how your tattoo is going to look when you are older. Your skin gets looser as you get older because don't produce as much collagen. This is going to change the way that your tattoo is going to look in the future. You can resolve this by getting your tattoo in a location that will not sag too much with age. One of these locations is the inner forearm, which tends to stay taut as you age. Other locations include the collarbone area, the back of your neck, and the center of your lower back. Consider these locations to keep your tattoo looking great for the rest of your life.

3. Is your tattoo meaningful and will it stay meaningful?

Finally, ask yourself if your tattoo is meaningful to you and if it going to stay meaningful to you. Once you decide on a final tattoo design, make your appointment at a tattoo parlor for a month from that date. This will give you an additional month to decide if the tattoo is still truly meaningful to you and something that you want. If you still want it after a month, then definitely get it.

For more information, talk to a professional tattoo artist like The Ink Lab.
