Piano Tuning Pinblock Problems And Solutions

Keeping your piano in tune requires not only regularly adjusting of the pins holding the strings in place but also keeping the tuning pinblock in good shape. Unfortunately, few piano owners understand the importance of this item and how it can impact their piano, which makes it more likely that damage and other problems can occur.

Understanding the Pinblock

What exactly is the tuning pinblock? It is a piece of wood that holds the tuning pins tight and keeps them from loosening or tightening excessively. This helps keep your piano in tune by making your pins more accurate. The reason few piano owners know much about this item is that it is typically hidden from sight by the piano strings.

Tuning pinblocks are designed to be strong and resistant to wear and damage. However, they can still wear out over time and cause your piano to drop out of tune. This is particularly true if they no longer hold the pins as well as they did in the past.

Problems That Affect the Pinblock

A variety of problems can affect the tuning pinblock and cause your piano to have tuning troubles. A few of the most common of these problems include:

  • Looseness between the pin joints
  • Cracks and breaks around the wood that holds the pins in place
  • Deterioration of fibers in the wood
  • Contraction of the wood squeezing the pins too tightly

These problems can be hard to spot if you don't know how about the pinblock. They may cause you to repeatedly tune your piano as it constantly loses its tuning. If your piano continually detunes, open the top of your piano and look beneath your strings to spot signs of wear and tear on your pinblock.

Can a Pinblock Be Repaired?

Pinblock damage can be repaired if it isn't too severe, though it is typically outside of the range of amateur repairs. Professional piano tuners and repair experts are your best bet here, as they will know exactly how to assess the problem accurately and will find a solution that will fit not only your particular problem but also your pocket book.

However, you should also be prepared to invest in the replacement of a pinblock. This is typically the only option when it can no longer hold the pins precisely enough. This problem will cause your piano to continually fall out of tune and make it nearly impossible to play it without major problems.

To learn more about your piano tuning pinblock and problems that affect it, contact a professional piano tuner and repair expert like Las Vegas Pianos near you. They can advise you on the problem and will work hard to manage it quickly and efficiently.
